Friday, 13 March 2015

Task 5. Creating a blog

Next task is to create a new blog for own classroom. Please follow the instruction:

  1. Create a blog on (video guide)
  2. Create a first post for blog and add some text information there. Publish post.
  3. Create a second post in your blog and add a pictute or pictures there. Publish post.
  4. Create a third post and add a link there to your worksheet/video/mindmap.
  5. Add link to your own blog as a comment to this post.

Task 4. Examples of teacher's blog

Please try to find a blog or a few blogs of you subject (for example, Reflections of a High School Math Teacher) and add the link as a comment to this post.

Task 3. Blogging for flipped classroom

Thursday, 12 March 2015

Tuesday, 10 March 2015

Task 1. Flipped classroom. What? Why? How?

1. Watch the video

2. Are you ready for flipping your classroom? 

Should You Flip Your Classroom? Write Yes/No and short explanation.
Leave you answer as a comment to this post.

Short link to blog: